TREO’s client was an international contractor bidding on a £120m design and build bridge scheme in the UK under a proposed NEC4 Option C Design & Build form.
TREO’s client had no experience in dealing with the NEC form of contract and required assistance in understanding and use of the form as well as the transfer of all design risks to its Design consultants.
The risks associated with the project and the ramification from the possible mismanagement of the reallocation of risk and/or the administration of the contract were significant.
TREO seconded one of its directors on to the commission, who emersed himself in the detail and quickly and successfully advised and explained the NEC form of contract, the inherent risks and produced an initial draft NEC4 Professional Services Subcontract. Using TREO’s documentation, the Client and its legal team were able to assess the risks and enter into negotiations with their designer.